Googly In Cricket

Googly in cricket is a terminology, a googly is a particular leg-break delivery bowl a left-arm finger-spinner. has traditionally been associated with leg-spin. But there are some amazing examples of googlies in other forms of the game.

The ultimate in googly lore is undoubtedly the one that Ricky Ponting scribed against Justin Langer in a Test match in 1998. You can see it on Youtube.

The little leg-spinner at Adelaide Oval goes across the pitch to produce a googly. In every sense of the word – an act which ultimately cost Australia the game.

It was one of the most difficult plays ever in the whole of the Test Match. The vast expanse of the cricket field was not sufficient for Langer to produce the required fielding angles. ln the end, Australia lost by 55 runs. It remains one of the great catches in cricket. The only catch which is impossible to take, is a googly.

Googly bowl in batting favour

To make this clear, the googly should be very much a part of the batting side’s game. Whether it is tried for six or seven wickets.

It is a perfectly legitimate tactic and has been used by many great batsmen for years, but few get as many runs out of the googly as Wayne Parnell.

The googly is an incredible piece of technical skill. In which the batsman, has to take on the googly with a surprisingly narrow base of the bat. an inswinging delivery which is very difficult to play.

Is googly difficult to play

It is extremely difficult to see in real time and it is only when you see the complete trajectory of the delivery which is then shown that you get a real understanding of just how difficult it is to play. Quite often googly in cricket, one batsman will play the googly,knowing that he is going to play the ball. While another batsman will play it.

The googly presents a challenge to batsmen, but it is an absolutely achievable feat in the right conditions. Sometimes, the googly is the most devastating weapon in a bowler’s armoury.

Tony Creber saying

The popular cricket commentator, Tony Creber, once said about googly in cricket as it “a relentless attack, worthy of him.”

Googly in cricket is actually all about applying a googly to any delivery.That is an act of skill and far less dangerous to the batsman. Than a regular delivery. The certainty of being able to score runs out of a googly delivery is a far superior. Result to the vagaries of a googly being to go the wrong way.

It is for this reason that Googly in cricket is usually restricted to specialist batsmen and specialist bowlers.


Googly in cricket when a leg spinners are utilising an uncommon tactic known as the “googly” to deceit batters. Who choose their strikes according to tradition. The googly has had a significant impact on vital moments of challenging matches. Throughout the history of cricket and has altered the results. The deadliest combo is a flawless normal spin followed by a googly.

To improve accuracy when bowling the googly, practise is essential. The key is to begin with a tennis ball and progress to a hardball as your flexibility increases. We sincerely hope that this writting has enlightened you on the nuances of this fantastic cricketing invention. So go ahead and throw a few bad ones.


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