Bowling strategy

Bowling strategy in cricket is generally divided into slow or spin bowling and fast bowling. Fast bowlers can bowl as fast as. while slow or spin bowlers are limited to bowl at a slow speed with turn.

Off spin and leg spin techniques

As a general rule, an off spinner will bowl more slowly than a leg spinner. Who typically bowl faster than the arm spinner.

Fast bowling strategy

When bowling fast, bowlers aim to swing the ball. so that the deviation in seam angle causes the ball to jump in the air. The direction of the swing affects the amount of swing a bowler will get. Cricket bowlers adjust their pace base on the target.

Bowling strategy in pressures

In medium to high pressure situations they aim for speeds around 85–90 mph. This is achieve through practice and experience. In lower-pressure situations. they aim for speeds around 65–75 mph. usually with the aim of getting the ball to bounce once. By “boxing the ball in” the bowler can maximise swing and minimise the effects of spin.

Bowling techniques in different pitches

The difficulty of different pitches is an additional factor to consider. In particular, pitches that are mostly fast but sometimes slow. will demand a different style of bowling. from a fast bowler and vice versa. Sport is a brutal arena with one of the main concerns. being how to take an opponent’s measure. Bowling is one way for a batsman to measure the ability of a bowler.

Adjusting the length according to the pitches conditions

Bowlers can vary their lengths to suit the current condition of the pitch. the type of shot require and match situation. Long balls can often be bowl to a particular batsman. a left-handed batsman in particular. short ball to another, same-handed batsman will generally be short.

For example, a medium pace bowler may vary their lengths. depending on the pace of the wicket. the pitch may be hard or slightly moist. A bowler who bowls very hard. may be inclined to avoid hitting the wicket. but will still be able to be effective at shorter and slower speeds.

Other bowlers will vary the length of their deliveries depending on the requirements of the situation. I. e. a shorter delivery at the death. to try and take the wicket. a slower delivery for a batsman trying to build a partnership.

What a bowler does within their delivery is decide the type of delivery bowl. which consists of the “length” and “speed” of the delivery. Lengths are generally much more important than speed. because the bowler will need to avoid bowling a bouncer. which is consider a bad delivery. and will often have to bowl a ball. that causes the batsman to either flick the ball away or evade it completely.

The faster the ball, the less power the bowler is require. to have and the harder the ball is likely to bounce.

Medium pacer strategy

The medium pace bowler will often aim to bowl slightly quicker than 90 mph. however they will adjust the pace of their delivery. depending on the type of the shot. the batsman is attempting. If a medium pace bowler is bowling a short ball to a right-handed batsman. pace of the ball will increase with a degree of regularity.

An exact pace will depend on several factors. the height and shape of the pitch. pace of the batter and the match situation. whether it is a tough chase or not and many more. speed at which the ball travels depends on the location of the seam. which is the edge of the bowling arm from which the ball is bowl.

The type of delivery is dependent on the situation and situation demands. Most bowlers aim to swing the ball and generate a high angle of deviation. so that the ball rises in the air to a height. where it makes contact with the batsman’s bat.

This means that the balls often pass low or inside out. If the ball is travelling too quickly. batsman will be unable to get their bat to the ball before it is very much over his head.


The third type of delivery is the inswinger. this ball curves inwards towards the off side. In most situations this is usually bowl. at a pace slightly quicker than that of the previous delivery.

It may release at an angle where the bowler has create a swing. so that the ball is travelling in the direction. of the intended target. Difference between the two is that the inswinger suppose a smaller arc. Than the outswinger. making it harder to hit the ball.

The most common technique of swing bowling is the down swing. Ball is bowl at a speed to the batsman so that it hits him on the pad. A bottom of the batsman’s hand. where the ball strikes. batsman will react to this action. and will either try to play the ball. or will move their bat to avoid the ball.

It is most effective when the ball has a pronounce rise in the air. if the ball starts to come down quickly. as it will when the bowler wants the batsman to move their bat. it will not hit the bat.

Bowlers stance at the time of release. great deal to do with the technique of the delivery. So far bowler with a long torso and long arms. a “shoulder and elbow out”. will tend to bowl at high speed releasing the ball very early. in its flight and hitting the batsman with his (or her) first delivery. This method of delivery is usually only used by fast bowlers.

Impact of grip and stance of bowler

Grip and stance of the bowler also has a big impact on the length of the delivery. Some bowling coaches, mostly Indian and pakistani. teach bowlers to wait for the batsman. to make a mistake in their strokeplay. or leaving a ball in the air rather than leaving it low.

Tendency of batsmen to leave the ball low when. they do this is known as the Laya phenomenon. actual bowling strategy has the purpose of this practice. is to induce an error in judgement by the batsman.


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