Cricket major slang words and phrases

International cricket slang is quite common and readily understood. Cricket major slang words and phrases often referred to as ‘cricketing lingo’ and is an important part of the culture of the game. making it so popular around the world.

Cricket slang reflects the contemporary lingo of youth. Each player has a unique style of talking that reflects their personality and interests. On the other hand, the “culture of cricket” is associated with exclusivity, politics and tolerance. which helps keep the games free from bad language and off-field violence. Cricket lingo is also related to cricket lingo in non-cricket cultures.

Geographical elements in cricket slang words.

Australia, South Africa, England and India have a lot of different variants of cricket slang words.

Cricket in Australia’s Baggy Green

The Australian cricket team’s dark green head gear is known by this name. Since the early 1900s, the Australian national team has represented its country with pride by donning the baggy green uniform.


Beamers are deliveries that go over the batsman’s waist and land on the ground. This delivery is regarded as being extremely risky.

It lessens the bowler’s level of control and frequently leads to the ball striking the batsman. As a result, it is prohibited in a game of cricket and may lead to the call of a no-ball.

A bowler may be prohibited from bowling the rest of the game. if they deliver a beamer twice. Therefore, if you bowl, stay away from this at all costs.


Chin music, originally a baseball term, describes a bowling technique. in which bouncers aim for the batsman’s chin or throat.

The balls are difficult to hit and perhaps even tougher to bowl. because they rise quickly from the playing surface.

Although theoretically allowed, delivering too many bouncers could result in an umpire warning.

(In case you missed it, the dog in this sitcom is named Bouncer; the allusion to Neighbours above.)

what is castled in cricket.

When a quick yorker passes a batsman by beating near the feet and crease area its castled bowl.

Dairy Corner

The batsman is least likely to hit the ball in this region of the field.

Whether the batsman is left- or right-handed determines where the Cow Corner is. The deep area of the field on the batsman’s leg side is typically where it is, though.

Fielders frequently stay away from this area. and make use of other gaps because batsmen rarely smash the ball into this area.

The name refers to a portion of the field that is so empty and uninhabited that cows can happily graze there.


Dolly is essentially a fairly straightforward catch in cricket parlance. For instance, if the fielder simply moves slightly to make the catch. it is a dolly if the batsman only glances the ball with the side of his bat and it pops into the air.

The term was most famously used in 1993, when England’s Mike Gatting dropped a dolly during a match against India.

Golden Duck or Duck.

Perhaps the most well-known cricket slang phrase is “a duck.” When a batsman is removed without making a run, this occurs. A “golden duck” occurs when someone is out after the first ball.


This delivery to a batsman is unplayable because it doesn’t even need to get them out.

The Tail-End.

The tail refers to a team’s final batsmen. who are typically the bowlers (numbers 8–11). This is due to the fact that the better batsmen are no longer around. Consequently, one of these players, specifically numbers 10 and 11, is a tail ender.

Toe crushers.

Yorker toe crusher

A cricket major slang words and phrases. Toe crushers a yorker is also known as a toe-crushers It depicts an inswinging yorker, and commentators frequently used it to characterise Pakistan’s Waqar Younis and Wasim Akram’s bowling in the 1990sSwing / Reverse Swing).


One response to “Cricket major slang words and phrases”

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