what is ball tampering in cricket

The article what is ball tampering in cricket is define ball tampering is similar to sanding down a guitar. The purpose is to increase the ball’s slide. increase spin or to reduce spin or rolling resistance. Newer balls have more rebound to help improve bounce and control. Both balls, however, will go soft as wear increases. which gives cricket players their preferred rubbery feel. usually around the edges and near the seam.

Measuring the ball

Measurements can be done at any time and quite often multiple readings are taken. so that the testing technician can visually verify the impact on the ball. and also the accuracy of the measurement. This is why measuring aids are available.

Different forms of ball tendency to swing

Although the standard for balls is very rigorous and control. it does not apply uniformly across the board, e. g. seam spinners and swing bowlers may receive different balls. for testing and the same swing bowlers may be able to use a ball that gives them even more swing. and it becomes unpredictable. This is why different players like different balls.

Use of Balls in different formats

The ball use in a test match will usually be a more expensive ball. and these are carefully chose for particular characteristics. A ‘fairer’ ball is a slower ball use in a one-day or Twenty20 match.

Technical things that reduce ball tempering

Modern sports ball manufacturers use different materials in the ball (composed of multiple layers, rubber and cloth). with the intention of making them harder, more durable and for much longer use. This makes them more durable to bounce in play. and to cope with use in conditions that are currently far more prone to carry over wear than use to be the case in the past.

Ball quality is key to good performance and that requires a consistent, rigorous, effective and objective testing programme. for all of the different materials that go into the balls use in cricket.

Quality controls that reduce ball tampering

In a nutshell, quality control is the process of ensuring that a cricket ball is manufacture in the intended manner. that the manufacturer does not falsify the ball. that it is not of substandard quality or defective. Quality control for a cricket ball begins when it is manufacture and continues as it is use.

Quality control ensures that the manufacturing process is carry out effectively, consistently and safely. so that the cricket ball, or the tools and equipment use in the manufacturing import and distribution. of a cricket ball. is safe for the consumer and performs as it should in the specified conditions.

Cricket ball should be tested before delivered to clubs or teams.

If the item fails in this way it must not sale to the consumer. and it must not deliver; to a cricket club or cricket team. To achieve this it must be test before it can be give out to players.

The story above highlights what happens in the testing laboratory. and what happens in a quality control meeting. The quality control meeting is the role of the laboratory manager and his staff. who meet regularly to review the work they have carry out and the results of the work carry out, including consistency checks.

The meeting also details areas of concern and guidelines for best practice to follow. or more commonly, in the hands of the manufacturer, as they have the key role of verifying all of the testing they have carry out on the quality of their balls.

Gathering of different samples of balls

This process involves gathering data about the characteristics of each sample which is testify. so that the laboratory can develop a test that can use to determine the degree of friction and/or weight. An important part of this process is the statistical significance of the data. to ensure that any features that are statistically significant are then further verify in another test. This ensures the statistical significance of the results.

Some statistical measures about ball tampering

The statistical significance test is usually carry out using the ‘expected value’ function. Which can use in Microsoft Excel. In practice, it is generally perform in the laboratory. The manufacturer or the external sourced which provides expected value function.

The expected value function calculates the probability of a certain variable (usually the total number of runs scored in a team batting first). being lower than what the total number of runs scored in the team. batting first should have been had the team batting first not scored any runs.

This allows the test to measure the differences in runs score. in a team batting first compare to batting second. and the relationship between them. The function use in many different areas of statistics.

As with most things statistical, there are a number of different ways to calculate the expected value function. The expected value function is use to provide a summary of a series of points or observations.

In a similar way to the Normal distribution, an expected value function can be describe as a bell-shape curve. that has a centre point (the mean) and tail (the minimum and maximum values) at the minimum and maximum values. For cricket, this can be express as a symmetric distribution. that has the distribution follow a ‘U’ shape curve. with the tail of the distribution having the largest values.

conclusion and suggestions

It is recommended that every cricket club in the cricket playing countries have their own quality control manager. who are responsible for ensuring that their balls, tools and equipment are safe for their users. especially in the initial stages of a season and to ensure they meet all the requirements of the sport.

I believe this requirement should also be apply to the testing and inspection of balls and equipment. to ensure that it is of a high standard and adheres to the protocols set out by the International Cricket Council (ICC).


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