What is county cricket

County cricket is first-class domestic cricket of England and Wales. played each year in England and Wales. County cricket is very popular in England and organized formally by England and Wales cricket board. This consists of two division, format there have ten teams in one format and eight teams in another format. it’s a cricket tournament where the matches last for four days. It counts points after the end of each match and cumulatively after the end of the tournament, the teams which have higher points would be considered as champions of the tournament.

This cricket is officially started in England in 1890 as domestic tournament. Yorkshire holds  32 plus title in their name currently Lancashire is crown of county tournament in 2022

Players earnings and Revenue in county cricket

Minimum average annual salary or wage rate fix for a county player is 24000 pound or 29000 USD.

Career in county cricket

A cricketer or a player residing more than previous two years in England and wales. or he has represent his national team at international level is eligible to play in county cricket. if considered fit by any of the participating franchises.

Innings played by each team in county cricket.

All the matches played in county cricket are consist of two innings. each team in a four day full match minimum of 104 overs in a single day. in normal playing days and in last day there should be at least 80 overs to be played.

Number of team to be played in a tournament

Total of eighteen teams playing in a county cricket tournament. there have ten teams in one division and eight teams in another division.

Lunch and break timing

Innings started in 11:00 Am and ended in 6:00 Pm. with lunch break timing from 1:00 pm to 1:40 pm.

Draw and win points in county cricket

Winning team will receive sixteen points for a single match win in a tournament. and if the match has draw between the team each team will have receive eight points.

No ball rule in county cricket

On the call of no ball a penalty of one run shall give immediately to batting team. A penalty shall stand even if a batter dismiss unless the call is overturn. That would be in addition to any additional run that are score, including any extra runs that are give for boundaries or other penalties.

Lists of ground where county tournament play

The cooper



Old Trafford riverside ground

Sophia garden

Rose bowl

County ground derby

Ground Chelmsford

County ground new road

ground Northampton

Grace road country ground hove

North marine road

Lawrence ground

Country ground Bristol

College ground Cheltenham

Queens park chesterfield

Merchant taylors school ground

Trafalgar road ground


One response to “What is county cricket”

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